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August 20, 2018

Week 7 update - sigh ...

At least the pattern is becoming increasingly clear - what I'm planning to do its largely getting lost behind day jobs and distractions (there's a song in that!). Feels like I have barely done a musical thing since this began - certainly haven't done the constructive, career-building things I wanted to do. Here's the charts:

Hugemusic-Time_tool_Wk7.pngSeveral good things are evolving:

  1. The hardware for my new show is complete. I have the looper, the wireless foldback, and wireless guitar system are all in place and I have started to rehearse that show. (Tax returns are a wonderful thing)
  2. The TEDx talk is developing nicely. Had our first rehearsal this week - lots of practice to do, starting with memorising it. TED demands a very high standard of talk!
  3. Next week will be my last week of Day Job classes on Wednesdays and Thursdays. The initial onslaught of marking has also settled down a lot. That should free up some time for music things after next week.

So, along with family things becoming more stable, this bods well for the future - as long as I stay on track. I seriously have to find better ways to use my time.

Got any thoughts? How can I change it up to be more productive?

Posted by Hughie at August 20, 2018 6:58 PM

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