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May 30, 2007

Keeping it all in perspective

I've had quite a frustrating and disappointing week but it has all been brought into stark relief this morning with the news that my kids' school's Deputy Principal, Monica Reid, died last night. Only a few weeks ago she was strong and in charge of the school - seemingly destined for a long and happy life.

Unfortunately, on ANZAC Day she was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor. They operated straight away and we were told that post-surgery bleeding was uncontainable, so she was critical. There was some hope for a while and the family, although they contemplated switching off her life support, elected not to for a while. Sadly, she is now gone.

This must be an awful time for her family and I wanted to express our sympathy and support for them - there but for the grace of God go I. It just reminds us that, as my darling and I ave often discussed, eveything we have can be taken away from us in the blink of an eye and it's nobody's fault ... it's just life. We persist in that knowledge and treasure every living moment.

Today is for making the most of what I have.

Posted by Hughie at May 30, 2007 9:58 AM

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