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May 18, 2007

Predictable dreams

Sometimes my brain works in such predictable ways. Had a shocking case of insomnia last night following the dream that always haunts periods of near-achievement.

In this case, I dreamt I was called in to play bass for the Police tour because Sting hurt his hand. But every time the concert was about to start, something happened - the lights failed, or I didn't have my lead, or my amp failed, or the guys wanted to take a pre-show togetherness minute (excluding me, of course) or something. I spent the whole time walking around backstage trying to sort out the problems, which just got worse. Just as I got to the point where they started to ask me why I had no lead or amp, I woke up - clear as a bell ...

Then I couldn't get back to sleep - and my darling fighting with people in her sleep didn't help ...


This kind of dream is all about the insecurity of getting close to a goal - and the frustration that it might all amount to nothing, anyway. I get these all the time ... especially when I'm this close to actually achieving something.

Anyone else know what I'm talking about??

Posted by Huge at May 18, 2007 10:25 AM

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