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November 27, 2006

As long as WWII? That's too long

I read yesterday and this morning that today marks the day that the US has spent as long in the War in Iraq as it did in World War II. That's a tragedy for all concerned.

Of course, Michael Moore is all over it, but the King of Jordan has also made some pointed statements about the issue. There was also a very revealing article in the Weekend Australian about a former SAS planner who reveals that teh planning for teh aftermath of the invasion was almost non-existent.

I'm on record on this blog as opposing the war because I didn't believe the US was culturally equipped to leave Iraq a better place than it was under Saddam. Subsequent events are showing that I migh have been right but - worse - that that consideration was not even part of the US's thinking. That's unconscionable and immoral.

I hope we have all learned from this you cannot bring freedom and democracy to another country at the point of a gun - they have to want it and create it for themselves. Only then can you help them by lending them some military muscle - if they ask for it.

Posted by Hughie at November 27, 2006 9:55 AM

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