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November 7, 2006

What next?

Well, since I last posted about Australian Idol, Ricky's gone and now Chris has gone, leaving Jessica, Dean and Damien. So, who's going to the final? No idea, but my head says Dean and Jessica ... I think.

Those two just seem to be the most complete from a marketing point of view. Damien has a certain something but it doesn't seem to stack up beside the pure pop appeal of the other two. But I've been very wrong before ... :-)

So who will win? Even less idea, but I hope it's Jessica - only because she has the best voice in the place (along with Lavina) and also has the most to gain from winning, being the youngest.

Will she have a long career in entertainment? That's even harder, given the high-profile failures of the past. She certainly has the talent and everything else she needs, but sometimes she comes across as a little too nice and naive ... and she may get tired of the whole thing and fall in a heap. Wouldn't be the first and won't be the last in that situation ...

Posted by Hughie at November 7, 2006 2:57 PM

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