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May 24, 2006

Me, in The Cage

Yesterday afternoon I got a phone call while I was in the studio. The message was from Marto, who'd found the letter I sent them last year about my State of Origin Song. He couldn't find the CD I'd enclosed but was interested in playing it ...

After I rang him back I immediately went back into the studio and remixed and trimmed the song and emailed him this version (MP3, 2MB - streaming version is here). This morning at 5:55am they interviewed me on air and then played the first verse and chorus! What a blast!!

I'm not sure I talked about the right things (I was still waking up), but they seemed fairly happy with how it went. Just wish I'd taken the time to rework the song completely and and make more out of it. These recordings were only ever meant to be a demo. Got up this morning and thought I'd better post this in case someone who heard it wanted to know more ... just to recap:

The original version, and all the lyrics, can be downloaded from here.
The new, shorter, impartial version is here and streaming version here.

Posted by Huge at May 24, 2006 7:54 AM

lets do some bass parts, you star you.

Posted by: willy at May 26, 2006 11:08 PM

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