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September 8, 2005

How is that possible

I dunno, some of this media commentary just doesn't make sense. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina,plenty of pundits were forcasting its dire consequences for the US economy. Some even suggested that it might knock the whole thing over.

But, then, they're planning to rebuild the city, aren't they? They're pouring food, clothing, blankets, etc into the place and the people, aren't they? Doesn't that make it a massive economic opportunity?

I mean, for every food parcel or blanket donated, someone has to buy more food and blankets. Every house that's being rebuilt is an employment opportunity for a builder, electrician, plumber, roofer, etc. Not to mention all the other roles that will go with keeping those people supplied ...

Then, following that, there's the marketing of the reborn city ... the possibilities are endless, right?

Can someone correct me here and let me know how this natural disaster is also an economic disaster? (or confirm to me that plenty of media pundits don't really have a clue!)

Posted by Hughie at September 8, 2005 9:15 AM

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