Huge tries really hard to ensure that no-one can come to any harm, physical, emotional, commercial or intellectual, as a result of using this site. However, sometimes things go wrong, and for that reason Huge makes absolutely no warranties, guarantees or promises whatsoever. This site and its content are provided purely as entertainment and should not be relied upon as the basis for any decisions you might make.
If you use this site, you do so at your own risk; Huge accepts no responsibility for anything that happens to you. However, should something happen to you, whether as a result of using this site or not, Huge hopes you recover quickly and go on to enjoy the rest of your existence.
If a product you purchase through after following links from this site is defective, you should take the matter up with the third-party vendor. They are responsible for manufacture and distribution of those products.
Unless stated otherwise, the contents of this web site are the property of Hugemusic, and Australian business owned by Hugh Brown. All rights to it are reserved.
However, at Huge's discretion, it is all covered by a form of "copyleft". You can do whatever you like with any of it as long as that use is not a commercial one. Should you wish to derive any income or other financial benefit from the contents of this website, you are requested to contact Huge and negotiate a sharing arrangement: royalties, dividends ... or something. Should you wish to perform any of these songs or play any of the recordings pubicly, please report the date and name of the song(s) to APRA. Huge's APRA songwriter ID is 1881 574 36.
Even better, Huge is very pleased to help you gain financial benefits for your efforts by helping to sell it for you on this site - provided he considers it up to standard. Please send your adaptaions, performances, etc to Huge and he'll let you know if he's happy to sell them and split the proceeds with you.
Please note also that some of this material is here by kind permission of other people and is therefore not Huge's to give away. Please respect those people's rights - you can contact them via Huge.
Huge is fairly easy-going but very egotistical, so he exterts moral rights to be acknowledged as the source of this content on every occasion as well. He's sure his co-creators would expect the same - and thinks that's fairly reasonable. You might even find that acknowledgement is all the payment required, too, but please contact Huge and negotiate that point.
Huge endorses the Australian Federal Privacy Commissioner's National Principles for the Fair Handling of Personal Information. This policy conforms to those principles.
Site Ownership
The website is owned by Hugemusic, an Australian business (ABN
90 785 951 977). Hugemusic can be contacted by
Telephone: +61 409 622 395; or
Post: 28 Limosa St,
Bellbworie, QLD 4070
Huge is a big fan of anti-spam laws and measures. His e-newsletter is offered on an opt-in basis and he will make every effort to ensure that no-one receives it from him unless they asked for it. If someone does receive it who has not subscribed, an e-mail to Huge is all it takes to be removed from the list.
Information collection and use
Hugemusic does not use cookies or any other form of covert data collection device - except where you post a comment and tick Yes to the queston: "Remember personal info?". If you answer yes, the server places a cookie on your computer to enable you to complete the comment form more easily next time. Hugemusic does not collect any data from using this device.
The website host server automatically logs information about visits for the purposes of providing access to the site. This information is limited to the standard computer-contact information and includes the viewer's IP address, browser type, referring URL, date and time of visit, pages requested, and top-level domain name. These logs are used for the purposes of administering our site and improving our product. They do not contain any information about the person using the computers that connect to our site. collects personal information about our readers only for the purposes of adding them to the subscription list. That information is limited to a name, email address and approximate geographic location. We collect only the information supplied by the reader.
Information storage and security
The computer logs are stored on the host server and occasionally downloaded to our office computers for analysis. Our database of subscribers is stored on the same server and also occasionally downloaded to our office computers. No copies are made by us for any purpose other than as above.
We do not disclose any information about our readers to any third party in the normal course of our business. We do not allow this information to be accessed by any other entities. We would only do so if required to by law.
Access to our information
Any person about whom we hold information is able to view, correct or update that information by contacting Huge as above.
Contracts offered or mentioned on this site fall under the laws of Queensland, Australia.